The Natural Wonder

If you don’t believe Ecuador is one of the most spectacular places on earth, it only means you haven’t been there. From the darkest depths of the Amazon jungle to the ascendant peaks of the Andes, Ecuador is as inviting as it is beautiful. If you’re ever lucky to visit, it will surely become one of your favorite places on earth. One glance at some of our photos here and you’ll begin to understand its magnificence.

Fair Trade Purchases Help Communities Thrive.

Each purchase from Alpaca Lifestyle & Apparel makes a positive impact on not only the individuals we work with, but their families and communities as well. Your small purchase has a big economic impact. You’re supporting fair wages for our craftsmen and their families, teachers in the community’s small school, village grocers, the independent woman who sells empanadas on the street, and many others.
Our purchases allow our producers to remain independent and help them educate their children. When you support an independent, family-run business, you’re keeping both the past and the future alive.